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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Reflections and Anticipations

"Well I won't back down
No I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I won't back down

No I'll stand my ground, won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin me down
gonna stand my ground
... and I won't back down"

Happy New Year! So many people have said 'good riddance 2011-it sucked!'. But really, how was it worse than any other year? Has any year gone by that some issue has come up that caused stress or bad feelings? Life isn't perfect; that's something we all have learned.
My 2011? I gave birth to the last baby I will ever carry. She is perfect. As are all my kids :). I've been blessed and I am thankful for them.
I found my stepson. That was big because he and his dad didn't ever get the chance to know each other before. And so our family grew- we met 'our' oldest, his wonderful wife and 2 beautiful sons. I'm a grandma by marriage LOL.
I've become reacquainted with people who were part of my life many years ago. It's been great. I've also found out who my friends and true family are... And aren't. That's liberating an heartbreaking all at once. But it's necessary, because then you know who will be there for you and who you need to just cut loose. Life is way too short to waste your time.
A quick note to those of you who say 'Life isn't short! It's long and hard!' I say you are wrong. The thing about life ; when you're young, you think you have forever. But let me tell you it goes by so much faster than you could ever imagine. And you just never know how long you really have.
So, back to last year. We left Gillette. That was fantastic and scary all at the same time. I absolutely hated Gillette. But I miss some people that became part of our family while we were there.
And in October...I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Seriously?? I'm too young for this shit. But then maybe that will work to my advantage. I need to be strong to deal with this. But that's another post...
I am thankful to be in Fort Collins where we have Dr's and Specialists and Surgeons who know what they're doing. Doesn't make it less scary though.
So I anticipate this year starting out rough as hell but getting progressively better. I have my family and some really good,true friends to be thankful for; they'll help get me through this. The rest is hard work and determination. This year is going to be different. And better. Because I said so.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know Devon? Well, she is married to my son, Justin. I live up here in Wisc. and his brother T.J. and I are coming down to go to their wedding in Florida in Sept. I write to you alot and have been following your blog. I think it is amazing story that you tell. Now do you know who I am?
